Search on :CATEGORY='TWO'
35 records found.
ID Composer Description Category Price
2050 ASCHER, J. LIFE'S DREAM IS O'ER FAREWELL. Duet for Mezzo Soprano and Tenor/Soprano. Arranged from the popular Romance 'Alice, Where Art Thou'. Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew pp8 Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £4.00
700 BARNBY, J. SWEET AND LOW. 1st sop./2nd sop. or contralto. Novello's School Songs Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £1.00
2617 BIZET AGNUS DEI (Heavenly Father). English text by Henry Geehl. Enoch Two Part Songs No.222 (1955) pp4 Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £2.00
2984 BROADWOOD & MAITLAND THE KEYS OF HEAVEN. Duet in A major. Cramer pp8 Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £4.00
702 CAROLS: SILENT NIGHT, HOLY NIGHT (Arr. Leslie Woodgate). Ascherberg (1948) Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £1.00
701 ELLIOTT, R.Bernard . DAFFODILS AND VIOLETS. Words by Dorothy L.Warne. Novello's School Songs No.1289 (1919) Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £1.00
2211 FAURE, Gabriel REQUIEM Op.48. Sopranos and Altos part-book. Hamelle (1900) pp20 x 3 copies available @ £4.00 each Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £4.00
703 GEEHL, Henry (Arr.) (a) ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT. Ashdown (1958) Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £1.00
704 GEEHL, Henry (Arr.) DING DONG MERRILY ON HIGH. Ashdown (1958) Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £1.00
705 GREENSLEEVES arranged as a Two-part Song by Cyril S. Christopher. Pass (1946) Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £1.00
2618 HANDEL O LOVELY PEACE Duet from 'Judas Maccab'us'. Edwin Ashdown's Series of Vocal Duets for Class Singing No.59 pp6 x 5 copies available @ £2.00 each Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £2.00
2198 HANDEL, G. O LOVELY PEACE from 'Judas Maccab'us'. Novello's School Songs S.S. 167 pp5 Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £1.50
2094 HANDEL, G. (ARR. J. Mich'l Diack) COME, LET US ALL A-MAYING GO (from 'Semele') for Soprano and Contralto. The Lyric Collection of Choral Music. Secular. No.1577. Paterson's Publications (1927) pp6 Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £2.00
2649 HERBERT, Victor WOODEN SHOES 'Clip, Clop, Clop' from 'Sweethearts' For Two-Part Chorus of Women's Voices (S.A.) with Piano Accompaniment. Lyric by Bob Wright and Chet Forrest. Music by Victor Herbert. Adapted by Herbert Stothard. Arranged by Jeffrey Marlowe. G. Schirmer, Octavo No.8881 (1942) pp7 (11 copies available) @ £3.00 each Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £3.00
2653 JACOBS-BOND, Carrie JUST A-WEARYIN' FOR YOU. Words by Frank Stanton. Tw0-part Chorus. Choruses for Women's Voices No.72. Boston Music, U.S.A. (1915) pp4 (10 copies available) Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £2.00
2639 KETELBEY, Albert W IN A MONASTERY GARDEN. Arranged as Two-part Song (Soprano I and II). Larway/Ashdown (1936) pp7 (23 copies available) @ £3.00 each Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £3.00
2654 LISZT, F. LIEBESTRAUM, No.3 DREAM OF LOVE. Two-Part Chorus. Wood Octavo Series No.656. Words by Mary B. Austin. Music arr. by Robert W. Gibb. Wood Music, U.S.A. (1947) pp10 (7 copies available) Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £3.00
2081 LUTHER, Martin AWAY IN A MANGER. Ashdown Vocal Duets No.255 (1952) pp4 (some markings) Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £1.00
2616 MARTIN, Easthope THE HOLY CHILD (Luther's 'Cradle Hymn'). Two-Part Song. Enoch No. 106 (1926) pp6 Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £2.00
2150 MENDELSSOHN GREETING Op.63, No.3). No.36. Novello's Octavo Edition of Two-Part Songs for Female Voices pp4 (worn) Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £1.00
2035 NEWTON, Ernest STARS OF THE SUMMER NIGHT Serenade Duet for Tenor and Baritone. Words by Longfellow. Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew (1911) pp7 Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £3.00
2258 PERGOLESI, Giovanni WASH ME, O LORD GOD (Amplius lava me). S.A. with Piano or Organ. Psalm 51 : 2,3. English text adapted. Edited by Robert S. Hines. Elkan-Vogel 362-03146 (1973) pp7 Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £1.50
2728 PINSUTI, Ciro WHEN LIFE IS BRIGHTEST. Words by Charles J. Rowe. Duet , or Chorus for Women's Voices. G. Schirmer's Octavo Choruses for Women's Voices (inscribed Washington Academy 1908) pp7 Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £3.00
706 PURCELL, Henry SHEPHERD, SHEPHERD, LEAVE YOUR LABOURS. Duet for two sopranos. Novello (1911) Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £1.00
707 PURCELL, Henry SOUND THE TRUMPET for voices in two parts. Novello (1931) Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £1.00
2733 RODGERS, Richard OKLAHOMA. Words by Oscar Hammerstein 2nd. Two-Part Chorus arr. William Stickles. Williamson, USA (1943/47) pp7 (6 copies available) @ £2.00 each Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £2.00
710 ROWLEY, Alec STRAWBERRY FAIR Arranged by Alec Rowley. Ashdown Vocal Duets (Treble Voices) No.277. (1958) pp8 Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £2.00
708 ROWLEY, Alec THERE WAS AN OLD COUPLE. Words from 'Folk Songs of the Upper Thames' (Williams). Novello's School Songs No.1307 (1923) Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £2.00
709 STRAUSS RADETZKY MARCH (Arr. Henry Geehl). Ashdown (1958) Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £1.00
2724 STYNE, Jule HOW DO YOU SPEAK TO AN ANGEL? From the Musical Play “Hazel Flagg”. Words by Bob Hilliard. Music by Jule Styne. Two Part Chorus arr. William Stickles. Chappell, New York (1953) pp7 (7 copies available). Chappell’s Vocal Library of Two Part Songs suitable for School Use Fourth Series 4098 @ £2.00 each Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £2.00
2217 TATE, Phyllis THE SAILOR AND YOUNG NANCY. S.S. Collected by E.J.Moeran. Folk-song from Norfolk. The Oxford Choral Songs OCS 2225. OUP (1952) pp6 Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £2.00
2093 TATE, Phyllis (arr.) CIELITO LINDO (Mexican folksong). Words by Jacqueline Froom. The Oxford Choral Songs T72 Two-part (1964) pp7 Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £2.00
2145 THIMAN, Eric H. GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO from the Christmas Cantata THE FLOWER OF BETHLEHEM. Curwen Edition 72399 (1957) pp4 x 3 copies available @ £1.00 each Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £1.00
711 VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, R. IT WAS A LOVER. Part-Song for Two Voices with Piano Accompaniment. Curwen (1922) (copy only : mutiples available) Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £1.00
2643 WHITING, Richard A. THE JAPANESE SANDMAN Two-Part S.A. Words by Raymond B. Egan. Music Arr. By Walter Scotson. Remick Choral Library R3017 (1939) pp7 (21 copies available) @ £3.00 each Vocal//Choir//Two Part Songs/Duets £3.00
Search on :CATEGORY='TWO'
35 records found.